Herstory: Colours Of Life

Memories or thoughts shared....

It's common for people to describe me nicely as, "not like anyone else I know".... I have come to happily agree to being a 'freak', hard to describe, or just different.... Imperfection, I see it as something beautiful and honest.... I love what I have become, and have faith in how I will be....

You choose the colours of your life.... Dream. Explore. Discover.

Saturday, January 20, 2007

Life in a Saturday Morning

Slept early morning... woke up early morning... looking forward to a day at the beach... sand on my feet (in my nose, my ears, my mouth, loving it all)... basking in the sun while reading a book... squealing in delight especially when high tide comes in as I jump in the water... trying to go as far as some surfers on their boards go (or close to them without being in their way, in case I start drowning, so they can hopefully save me :-P)... letting the waves crash over me, riding it, swimming under it... pulling my bathers back on properly... cheesiest grins on my face.... laughing along with my friend/s... just having a relaxed good time.

Today was meant to be another one of those days.... Darn it, it rained! The weather forecast changed and there's light rain where we were going. I DONT MIND!! It wasnt meant to be.

Got off the bed... stepped out.... oooh, the rain felt nice... refreshing... really nice... so I stayed out. A thought came to mind, "water restriction".... Pulled my potted plants to the middle of our driveway... turned up empty pots to catch more rainwater ... walked back inside the house... grabbed indoor plants and a sponge... stepped back out.

Sponge in hand, wearing a summer nightie (decent looking, not the slinky kind), indoor plants on the ground, cat in tow, rain slowly soaking my clothes and my cat's fur, I started sponging the windscreen and side mirrors of the car (it's been more than 6 months since its last wash, it couldnt get any worse).

Not a care... slowly getting wet in the rain... seeing my reflection on the glass... smiling at how my hair looks but not bothering to fix it... fascinated my kittycat is close by in the rain with me... the rain falling the only sound I was hearing... neighbours either asleep or keeping dry... peace.... It was so quiet... oh so still....

Enjoying the moment, delighted by the rain - of course not by the carwashing(!), but the action as good a reason as any to be standing in the rain.... I continued rainwashing the car slowly, not stopping with the glass area as intended. Soon, I ran out of areas to clean... I stood still, head tilted up... to prolong the experience... until I decided it was enough... I went back inside the house... wet cat still in tow... gave kitty kisses and hugs... doors and windows opened to let in some cool breeze... changed into dry clothes... ate breakfast....

... a slow, relaxed, cool day indoors....


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