Herstory: Colours Of Life

Memories or thoughts shared....

It's common for people to describe me nicely as, "not like anyone else I know".... I have come to happily agree to being a 'freak', hard to describe, or just different.... Imperfection, I see it as something beautiful and honest.... I love what I have become, and have faith in how I will be....

You choose the colours of your life.... Dream. Explore. Discover.

Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Do You Feel Christmas???

This weekend will be the start of Christmas Eve festivities, but I still don't feel the Christmas cheer. Do you feel the Christmas cheer???

I've only heard one person excited about it. Actually she was excited only about Santa! Last year I attended several Christmas lunches/celebrations. This year only the work lunch so far, 2nd christmas lunch tomorrow, and a dinner likely on Friday. But this year, there hasnt really been much interest in it, not even kris kringle. I heard only two people (plus moi) occasionally humming christmas songs at work. And I yet to hear my 2nd christmas song on the phone while being on placed on hold. But I've heard a LOT of people stressing about all the preparation they have to do for the kids and gifts and decorations.

I barely saw the Christmas window display (during the night I was celebrating my birthday in the City). Daytimes it doesn't look enticing as there's always a long queue (mostly of children) waiting to see it. I only passed by the City Christmas Tree on my way to the High Tea I went to the first weekend of December. Usually I linger around the tree, even if only to eat ice cream next to it. I also haven't had time to buy gifts or even think about it. Shucks, I don't even have food in my fridge anymore! I'm gonna live on sauces soon!! ;-)

I received only 2 christmas cards and 1 email wish so far. Last year, by this time I couldn't count them anymore. I know it's not a reflection of how liked I am ;-P.... I rarely hear people greet each other, "Merry Christmas, Happy New Year". I've had situations too, where people reacted like they've forgotten about Christmas coming up, or didn't feel like expressing the same sentiment, when they were greeted... Are we just slower in coming to terms with it this year?? Or is it just me? Maybe this year I'm not as caught up with it, so I'm noticing what's happening around me without hollies and tinsels covering my peepers??? I swear I saw more excitement from people over the Ashes and Melbourne Cup.

... Maybe I dont feel the festive spirit because I am lonely for my hubby. I make myself strong by reminding myself I am doing this to support his dreams coz I want him to be happy. I am most happy when he is. I have to be even stronger now coz alone I am 'keeping our castle' safe and fortified, to make sure he has a home to come back to.


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