Herstory: Colours Of Life

Memories or thoughts shared....

It's common for people to describe me nicely as, "not like anyone else I know".... I have come to happily agree to being a 'freak', hard to describe, or just different.... Imperfection, I see it as something beautiful and honest.... I love what I have become, and have faith in how I will be....

You choose the colours of your life.... Dream. Explore. Discover.

Thursday, March 30, 2006

Reminders for Uncle "Moox"

Her Royal Highness, P.S., will give you free reign of the house most times. We know she’s always liked you, so we are happy you are with her. I bet she will even keep you entertained! But she is very demanding when it comes to being fed. She wants it now and all the time!

A MEAL TWICE a day of 1/4 of a cup is more than enough. If her meowing and nudging with pleading eyes are melting your heart away (she’s really good at it), you can give her lactose-free milk as a treat, 1/8 (if daily) to 1/4 of a cup. Measuring cups are supplied for your convenience. Good luck!!

I suggest not leaving any yummy meat within paw’s reach, especially chicken. It is one of her weakness, and no amount of reprimand will make her change. If she catches the scent, she will hunt for it.

Neighbourhood garbage gets picked up every Friday morning, around 6.30AM. Yellow recycling bins are emptied every Friday fortnight. I recommend taking the bins out Thursday nights.

You can plan to empty kitty cat’s litter in time with (Thursday) bin nights, in the least. You can change her litter more often than that if you prefer. Newspapers and 2 bags of fresh supply of kitty litter are stocked up for you in the laundry area. There’s an extra litter tray too so you can alternate use. The emptied tray can be soaked then sun dried for hygiene. The extra tray is there, mainly for our convenience, so while one is soaking/drying the other is being used.

She loves company, so she is likely to follow you around the house with doting eyes. It will be easy to get used to, and guaranteed to give you plenty of smiles. For obvious hygiene reasons, please keep the toilet door close at all times. That area is off limits to her, but she may follow you in there or explore the sights if left accessible.

Sometimes in the bathroom, if she’s comfortable with you, she may jump on the sink while you are brushing your hair or teeth. This could mean she’d like to drink straight from the tap. What to do next is up to you - tell her to bugger off, leave her alone, or let the water drip softly so she can drink. It is very cute to watch….

As you’ve seen before, she can play fetch. Milk bottle cap rings are perfect for this, or her tiny toy mouse. Sometimes a small crumpled piece of paper or a clothes peg works too. She will either play with you or push it around the house for ages.

Don’t worry about showers, fur brushing and nail clippings. She’s very good at grooming herself, as you know. Hopefully I had cut her nails short enough to last until we get back. She will try to sharpen it again as part of her grooming routine, but because she is an indoor cat, it shouldn’t be too fast. She sharpens it by scratching on her post but when feeling cheeky or trying to get your attention, she will do it on the lounge suite (very rarely) or side of the bed (more likely). If she does, especially on the leather lounge suite, please tell her off! It is not cute!

She loves the sun. But because she is an indoor cat, she only gets to bake under it from the window or outside under our supervision. I wouldn’t recommend letting her out, as she becomes stubborn – she will not listen to you and even hide far from reach when it is time to go back inside the house. Only Mr Man of the House is able to reprimand her enough to force her out of hiding and running for home. He’s had about 30% success rate.

So before stepping in or out of the house, be VERY aware where she is and assess what she seems to be planning. Oh, she’s cunning!! You think she’s just sitting pretty there watching you, and then she bolts for outdoors as soon as there’s enough space for her to sneak through!!! So lightning fast at times you wouldn’t even notice, until you are surprised by seeing her already stretched out on her back on the dustiest part of the driveway! Sometimes she will reason with you (meow!), or try to use her charms. Unless your confident you can tell her to go back in when commanded, this is the time to show her you’re the boss!! Raise your voice, show anger, stomp your foot to make her move away from the door, or make a warning sound if she looks like she’s making a run for it. Good luck!

Even the best plans can fail. If Her Royal Highness manages to step outdoors, by stealth or by sweet-talk; there are 2 ways to get her back in. Keep the screen gate and door open, be angry, stomp your foot, point toward the house and raise your voice commanding her, “NO! Go back INSIDE!!” The words “no” and “inside” are very important, as she is aware what it means. You can also use a stick or rake to make her move from underneath the car. Make sure she can easily run inside the house once freaked. If not, she will run for the door, but seeing it closed, will run the other direction. If all this fails, you have no choice but to either risk scratches or let her be, leave the screen gate partially open so she can squeeze through, and wait for her to come inside hours later on her own accord. She does come back home after 4 hours max, tired from her mischief, for rest, food and drinks. Our main concern is feral cats, if they scratch/bite her, it could get infected. Safety of birds is only a worry if she gets out at night.

You can let us know how your relationship is evolving; or ask questions by text, phone, email or web cam. Hope you enjoy the house! There are a variety of chocolates and goodies in the fridge and pantries. Please feel free to eat and use them. Mi casa es su casa! Thanks again for your help! We really appreciate it!!


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