Herstory: Colours Of Life

Memories or thoughts shared....

It's common for people to describe me nicely as, "not like anyone else I know".... I have come to happily agree to being a 'freak', hard to describe, or just different.... Imperfection, I see it as something beautiful and honest.... I love what I have become, and have faith in how I will be....

You choose the colours of your life.... Dream. Explore. Discover.

Tuesday, March 07, 2006

Australian Values

An afternoon TV program has set up a phone poll asking
“Should migrants who don’t observe Australian values be stripped of their citizenship?”

The result was: 1% no 99% yes.
What is your reaction to this??

To inform you better -- this poll came about around the time the issue below was shown on TV...

Measuring up migrants
REPORTER: Glenn Connley
BROADCAST DATE: February 24, 2006

Australia's Treasurer has said Islamic sharia law is not compatible with Australian law and called for migrants to subscribe to Australian values.

Federal Treasurer Peter Costello has kicked off the citizenship debate again, likening migrant entrance into Australia to entering a mosque. "Visitors are asked to take off their shoes; this is a sign of respect," Mr Costello told a Sydney audience. "If you have strong objection to walking in your socks, don't enter a mosque."

"Before becoming an Australian, you will be asked to subscribe to certain values. If you have strong objection to those values, don't come to Australia."

The key to the Treasurer's argument was that our rather bland oath of citizenship was neither demanded nor enforced. Mr Costello read it as follows: "I pledge my loyalty to Australia and it's people, whose democratic beliefs I share, whose rights and liberties I respect and whose laws I will uphold and obey."

In the US, citizenship applicants must "absolutely and entirely renounce and abjure all allegiance and fidelity to any foreign prince, potentate, state or sovereignty". They must also talk about adopting the American way of life. In the UK, the oath is similar to Australia's, but gaining citizenship is much tougher. Applicants must be UK residents for five years, pass a British knowledge test and possibly even register with the police. Would-be Canadians must be permanent residents for 3-4 years, sit an exam about Canada and speak English or French.

Even the Treasurer's brother, the Reverend Tim Costello, a renowned humanitarian, was full of praise for Peter Costello's strong stance. He said it was high time Australians made being prepared to be Australian a criteria for being Australian. "I think most Australians know that it's an incredible privilege to live in this country," Reverend Costello said. "We are 'the lucky country' and to take that pledge of allegiance is to actually really commit yourself to it."

But Muslim commentator Keysar Trad said the Treasurer's speech damaged the reputation of all Australian Muslims, despite being based on the actions of just a few. "The vast majority of Muslims are law abiding, the vast majority of Muslims are doing their utmost to be good citizens," Mr Trad said. "We are shocked, horrified, offended by a small element within our communities."


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