Herstory: Colours Of Life

Memories or thoughts shared....

It's common for people to describe me nicely as, "not like anyone else I know".... I have come to happily agree to being a 'freak', hard to describe, or just different.... Imperfection, I see it as something beautiful and honest.... I love what I have become, and have faith in how I will be....

You choose the colours of your life.... Dream. Explore. Discover.

Thursday, February 08, 2007


“HEP! Legs up!! Let go (hands)! Reach out! Let go (legs)!!!”

“(Legs) forward-back-forward-knees up!!! Face forward!”

You become very familiar with these commands when you put your life in the hands of trapeze performers, 2 safety ropes attached to a tight belt, and a bouncy catch net.

I managed to book myself in for a free trapeze workshop in the city, weeks in preparation. As soon as I saw the speil, I knew I had to do it! It could be an once-in-a-lifetime chance!! So I decidedly worked half-a-day of my life around it. With a little pre-planning, not a huge sacrifice at all.

Debilitating thoughts still came to mind, “I’m too old” (I’m only 30!); “It’ll be in front of city passersby, that’s embarrassing” (Oh well, I want to experience it, and it’s FREE!); “I’m not feeling strong enough to carry my own weight/fat ass” (Hhhmmm… I know… but I’ll just have to see/give it a go.); “I should be more lady like” (hhhmmm…. I left this unanswered.); and “I feel bad I have to take some time off work. I gotta still do this and that.” (Jeez! Work’s work! It’ll still be there and the same tomorrow. All’s organised with colleagues. ‘Me’ time now.).

Fears put aside. Excitement had set in.

The day was beautifully sunny, the wind only slightly chilly. I was there 2-hours early to watch a demonstration. Rhea and my godchild Jaycee passed by to watch too. I wanted Jaycee to try it, but she wasn’t interested. I was just happy to see them and spend some time with them before the 2-hour workshop begun.

We were fitted with a safety belt that had to be worn as tight as a corset, so our body fat was bulging on top and under it. Then we were shown the right way to stand and jump off the ledge.

The exercise begun when we had to show how agile and flexible we were when we had to reach for the bar. We swung our legs dramatically (toes pointed!) to get momentum; lifted our legs up and folded them around the bar; let go of the bar and looked forward; then gracefully reached for the bar again; and slipped our legs off the bar. Surprisingly it was easy when I was put on the spot. I always knew I perform better under pressure (heheheh).

Quickly, we were climbing to a ledge about 3 stories high, being strapped on to 2 safety ropes, and reaching for a bar that feels slightly out of reach. The height and uncertainty made me feel weak in the knees but it helped that I have done some climbing before.

I did 3 climbs altogether, all tricks performed properly. First jump I had to do all the moves I practised during the land exercise, after jumping off and while I was swinging! It was hard to hear the instructor and I felt slightly disoriented – “where’s my forward?”. Second jump we did it again but with a finishing backward somersault when we let go of the bar. This was fun too! I’m pretty sure I screamed with glee as I felt myself rotating!!

The third jump was the CATCH!!

I was put on the spot! The girl before me chickened out and didn’t want to do it first. She was scared or/and suddenly became aware of the people watching us. Which made me aware of them too!! Shayte!

Being the eldest, I felt I had to put a brave front so the kiddies wont give up, or get scared. Climbing up, I struggled remembering the moves, only remembered that the catcher was the boss. There was no time for hesitation, or else we miss the moment and I miss my chance to be caught. I knew when the catcher called out “HEP!” , I had better jumped. Determined, I trusted my instinct and (little) knowledge. I knew what I was doing!! Eeeeekk!

Feeling in my zone, holding on to the bar, even looking at the catcher in the eye, I knew I feared what was to happen next, but ready. I heard a strong voice,

“HEP! Legs up!! Let go! Reach out!!!!”

In milliseconds I felt strong grasps on my wrists just when I saw him, upside down like me! Then the call “Let go” (my legs off the bar) while the crowd was gasping, then cheering! I was told I “squeaked” while he held me in the air, huge smile on my face, and when he let go of me without telling me! I momentarily forgot there was a net underneath me!! Cheeky!

The buzzed stayed for ages. The pain of the rope burn on my finger after the first jump not settling in until I was home. My finger still hurts, 2 weeks later, still healing and a little infected. Expected bruises behind my legs now gone. I didn't care! It was SOOH MUCH FUN!

I didn’t want to stop! We were almost climbing for a fourth jump, but too many of the kids didn’t do the catch properly so we ran out of time. It didn’t matter (well, it did but it was okay). I did what I came for. Now I know I like it. Wishing I get other chances to do this and learn more tricks….



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