Herstory: Colours Of Life

Memories or thoughts shared....

It's common for people to describe me nicely as, "not like anyone else I know".... I have come to happily agree to being a 'freak', hard to describe, or just different.... Imperfection, I see it as something beautiful and honest.... I love what I have become, and have faith in how I will be....

You choose the colours of your life.... Dream. Explore. Discover.

Monday, June 11, 2007

Never Spoke To A Parolee Before....

On the way back to Union Station (Los Angeles) from SLO, I had to catch a bus connecting to the Amtrak train leaving from Santa Barbara. The trip was uneventful, until I met "Romeo" (not his real name, but the name he initially gave me, which straight away I thought was not his real name because I knew he was being smooth with me). He later said he introduced himself as Romeo coz since his teens people called him it for being a "romantic".

Romeo was just released from SLO Prison/Penitentiary - I didnt even know there was one there!!??! I know his real name, initials CH (he showed me his ID), Parole ID#13234 (dont know why I remember). He just completed a 4-year term. He told me why he was imprisoned, also something about "3 strikes" and avoiding a 25-year term.

I saw him being escorted into the bus by a lady wearing what looked liked a security uniform; so I quickly scanned his hands/wrists. He wasnt wearing handcuffs so I determined he wasnt considered a threat in the bus.

I didnt scare away from him, looked him in the eye, treated him like everyone else on the bus. I figured if he was a danger, he wouldnt be allowed out with the general public. I just stayed my usual wary yet friendly self with strangers.

He didnt get the courage to talk to me until around 1 hour before we arrived at Union Station. It was a 6.5hour trip. I was wondering why he was always fluttering around my line of sight. I knew he checked me out, but I didnt realised he was doing it since our bus ride. I wasnt paying attention. He explained that he was wary of approaching me as he wasnt sure if I was only 16years old, it was hard to tell my age. He's 41 years old, if I remember correctly, but looked 10 years younger. I considered him very good looking with a nice, strong muscly-looking body. He also mentioned he was a little excited to talk to ladies, since he didnt get to see them much, while in prison.

I did sense he was more nervous to approach me. Thinking back now, he did several double takes, kept walking past, even stood close to my seat for a few minutes, before eventually talking to me. Funny that. A "huge and intimidating black guy" (a description he gave of himself) was acting unsure around little shy-looking me... :-).

As an ice breaker, he asked about my hiking shoes. Then he showed me 2 hummingbird bead necklaces which his cellmate made for him. I was completely blown away with the skill and workmanship!!!! I had to really bite my tongue to stop asking for it. I dont think Romeo would have given it to me if I asked, but I still think about it now, still wanting it. I really really really really really want it. The materials were simple but it was absolutely beautiful. ABSOLUTELY BEAUTIFUL.

Anyway, after we determined I was not available/interested in the first 5 minutes, we had quite an entertaining and curious conversation. He was honest from the start that he just left the prison. As I mentioned, I was never scared... a little wary of course, a natural self preservation reaction, but stayed assertive/confident. Three male conductors were also constantly passing by our carriage, and there were plenty of people on the train in broad daylight.

We talked about many topics, but mainly revolving around why Asian and Caucasian women seem to shirk away from Black men, and why American women seem to have an "attitude", unlike how I was. I said I cant speak for American women and American customs/lifestyles, but I commented on first impressions, why women react the way they do (personalities etc) and what I know of general cultural differences.

The main thing I got from our conversation was the difference in interaction between Americans of various races and Australians of various races. Also, a personal observation, too many times now, I've noticed black guys like my "strong thighs" and "butt"... (I dont know how hard Romeo looked to see it past my ass-covering jacket and very loose jeans...) hhhmmm... just felt like sharing that.... ;-P.

He talked about how when he was younger he chose his girlfriends because they were pretty or awesome in bed. It didnt lead him to much, sometimes even got him into trouble. So he is now considering a decent partner with more brains. Then he showed me some correspondences and photos he received while in prison from women in another country. The women's photos were full body shots, they were wearing only their underwear, or just their panties while covering their breast with an arm. He received the photos through a paid agency.

I laughed and told him how he was contradicting himself. Sure there could be quality exceptions in the pool of ladies available from the agency he contacted, but if he was looking for the type of ladies he mentioned to me, he was definitely looking at the wrong place. You had to see the photos to really get why I made such a statement. Since he was in prison (not exactly a catch, unless he improves himself in the future, only time will tell), with limited access to things/technology, he could only rely on those businesses/agencies to give him some hope or possibility of a female companion. We discussed supply and demand (his and the scantily clad ladies from generally conservative cultures). I also mentioned he may not be able to travel because of his parole, but if he does travel to those countries to "check out the ladies", he'd definitely have a lot of fun, as one of the many guys who travel for the sex industry.

We talked about his children, girls who are old enough to be my friends. This convinced me not to ask for the hummingbird necklaces. I assumed he was planned to give them to his daughters.

Our chats were so comfortable he also eventually informed me of his future (business) plans. I hope he pursues what we talked about. He had some good dreams/plans. He just needs to get past only talking about it, and making stupid decisions, especially since he is old enough to know better. I think I gave him a few insights to think about. I'd love to see him change his life path for the better. And apologize to Victor W from Seattle (this apology has nothing to do with his imprisonment, instead a personal thing that still bugged him)....

Near the end of our train ride he complimented 'how I was' (oozing in magnetism, sexiness and confidence of course... not exactly what he said, but this is what my HUGE head heard!! ;-)... hehehe). I guess he found it attractive. He knew we were not likely to meet again. We didnt exchange contact details, so there was no gain in stating it further. It was nice of him to make a point of mentioning it. I was embarrassed... but thankful.

What did I get from our meeting??? First, it was nice to hear that I was good in the way I clearly stated my intentions to someone, keeping the boundaries clear, for example, "I am not flirting, just teasing". I've had (and I know will continue to have) problems with my friendliness being easily misunderstood by some people as flirting. I am convinced it is dependent on how much malice or interest such people have(!??). I have been told many times before that the fault is in me, in my personality. It affected me before, but I have realised it is not true. I treated and reacted to both males and females the same way. My sense of humour was delivered the same to either gender. Secondly, that I am HOT!! Heheheh (ahem). Thirdly, now I know that not only am I confident and capable enough to handle certain situations, but I am also able to project such... strength.

Negative analysis? Only one - that I still smile too much, too overly friendly to strangers. My "passing only" smiles I've been told is eye-catching that people warm up to it quickly, even though I've already moved on. Should I do anything about it?? I dont know, it's what makes me, me!


  • At Wednesday, June 13, 2007 7:49:00 am, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Hey Race!Just needed you to know that I check out your blog at least once a week!So please keep posting!!!!!!

    And secondly: no!!Keep smiling the way you do!!Your heart warming behaviour is just what people should take over themselves!!!!
    Take care of yourself while your traveling :) and have fun!
    We´ll see each other soon!!Jen

  • At Wednesday, June 13, 2007 3:00:00 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Hey Race!!! Nice to hear you are out and about. Sorry that we could't catch up sooner... Love the Blogs, makes me feel as if im there traveling too!! Take care and do keep posting!!!

  • At Sunday, June 17, 2007 3:04:00 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Wow! Aren't you having an adventure already!?

    Love the blog. Happy to hear you're ok and have got through the first part of the trip not only intact but with awesome stories. if I can work out why my phone wont ring your roaming phone I'll speak to you soon.



  • At Monday, June 18, 2007 6:11:00 am, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Hi Race,

    Glad you're back doing your blogs. Like I said before it makes me feel like I'm travelling with you. Keep it up.

    Take care always and keep smiling.



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