Herstory: Colours Of Life

Memories or thoughts shared....

It's common for people to describe me nicely as, "not like anyone else I know".... I have come to happily agree to being a 'freak', hard to describe, or just different.... Imperfection, I see it as something beautiful and honest.... I love what I have become, and have faith in how I will be....

You choose the colours of your life.... Dream. Explore. Discover.

Thursday, August 30, 2007

My First 10 Favourites in Germany

1. Seeing my friend and her pets! Getting to know her more, and her friends

2. Nuernberg & Regensburg

3. Time spent at Birthday Party, Day After Party, Bogart's and Biggie's Place

4. Wehr bread

5. Learning how to make bread in a proper bakery

6. Bike rides to and from the Alstadt

7. Learning how to speak German

8. Shisha

9. Trying on tradional clothings with Biggie

10. Walking around Wurzhburg for a few hours and Frankfurt overnight on my own

Sunday, August 05, 2007

Life Moving On In London

Still mixed feelings about London. But Im learning to appreciate its cultural and ambient offers. It helps that it has been sunny especially this weekend, and I live close to Picadilly Circus which seem to be one of the main hubs of activity here.

Referring back to my last blog - after writing about a dream profession, I was asked to work where after I handed envelopes to shareholders, I just socialised; looked pretty; ate canapes, hor d'ourves, olives; and drank (avoided the wine though, self-imposed ban). They even gave me a chauffered ride home afterwards.

Life is still simple. But I have been enjoying emptying my bank account to dine out (hit and miss with foods), enjoy desserts and drinks, pay for club entrance fees, and to watch ballet (Bolshoi! La Bayadere). It brought normalcy to my life.

Still, the best things in London life were free. The sun on my skin while sitting at an outdoor cafe in Covent Garden; a busker playing his saxophone in the background; random eye contacts and smiles from strangers; casual walks at night; meeting possible friends; carefree dancing; and people watching. I also managed to watch a play and a movie for free! Vegemite Tales ticket was given to me by my recruitment agency. A waiter in Chinatown just handed me 4 movie tickets for Hostel II.

I like my roommates, we have our own quirks, but so far so good. My relationships, especially with my female roommates, Im appreciating. I just realised we are all really interesting (can even say dynamic characters/personalities) in different ways. Even our looks are diverse! One blonde, one redhead, one (am I brunette?)... me. Must be fun to observe us...? I also have a nicely developing relationship with a girlfriend and a boyfriend here, chatting away our issues, discussing things with much candour, amusement, honesty, respect and heart. I have a feeling we are kindred spirits. With London life, everyone being here kind of in transit, it's hard to gauge (coz we do latch on to people), but I think them two will stay in my life for a long time :-)... hehehe, soppy stuff.

I start my contract work this week. I had a flooding of job offerings last week. Two of the companies I wanted to work for especially, both in the sporting industry. One deals with one type of sport (opening a headquarters here, more business-like), the other deals with all types of sport you can place a bet on (settled company with a very casual culture, I love it). Both would give me a chance to travel and maybe be given free passes to sporting events. I chose the first one where I have to work harder, with a longer contract. The company profile is impressive, I hope I do well.