Herstory: Colours Of Life

Memories or thoughts shared....

It's common for people to describe me nicely as, "not like anyone else I know".... I have come to happily agree to being a 'freak', hard to describe, or just different.... Imperfection, I see it as something beautiful and honest.... I love what I have become, and have faith in how I will be....

You choose the colours of your life.... Dream. Explore. Discover.

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Snippets of my condition...

with special thanks to Lauryn Hill for 'kicks in the rights direction'
(After Door No 2...)

Nothing is worse than knowing something I cherished the most has ended. That is was beyond my control and now forever lost. I realise I fell in love with a fantasy, not a reality.

All that I know is gone, all that I was building on.

Whatever changed my love to despair….? Trap laid, I knew him, but not as who he is. He is one-dimensional. Mister Promotional.

Fantasy is what people want but reality is what they need. I’ve retired from fantasy.

I know that a life without love is no life at all. But love without trust, what of that???

The road to hell is filled with good intentions. The only way out is through confrontation, not retreat.

I gotta find peace of mind, in a lasting relationship not based on ownership.

I get out of all your boxes. Can't hold me in your chains and psychological locks. Repressing true emotions. Promoting mass deception. I don’t respect and won't protect your system.

If I have to die to be released from you, that’s how I choose to live.

I won't be compromised anymore. Can't be victimised no more. I just don’t sympathise no more. Coz now I understand. You just wanted to use me. You say you love me and abuse me. You never thought you’d lose me. How quickly we forget that nothing is certain. You thought I’d stay here hurting.

Your guilt trips not working. Repressing me to death. Now I'm choosing life, taking the sacrifice. If everything must go, then go. That’s how I choose to live. No more compromises. I see past your disguises, appealing through mind control, charms and good deeds, trying to make my heart your slave.

I don’t know how to go back, always moving forward. Promises deceived. Time takes care of wounds. Not the type to look back, call it selfish but I'm grateful of it.

These are the hymns of my heart. The core of my being.


  • At Sunday, October 26, 2008 7:02:00 am, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    oh sweetie i didnt know you were in so much pain. you never deserve this. you are so loving and beautiful inside inside and out. people feel lucky just to be considered your friend. be strong and know my family miss you very much. love you. xoxoxoxoxoxoxo

  • At Sunday, October 26, 2008 12:11:00 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    hey r

    reading what you have written makes me wish i was there with u to give u a hug and to offer some klenex to wipe away ur tears and to offer strong words of wisdom to make u stronger.

    keep strong. time will heal ur wounds. i've been where u have been. and there is light at the end of the tunnel. just keep at it girl, one step at a time.

    xoxo thinking of u and sendin you lots of love

  • At Saturday, November 08, 2008 2:35:00 am, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    He sounds like a chauvinist pig, not worthy of a rare gem like you.

    I hope he doesnt hit you?

    If he cheated on you, he will always cheat on you, now or 10 year later. I speak from experience. I cheated on all my girlfriends. Once we men sleep with another woman it's because we know we can get away with it or be forgiven. The only way to stop the habit is to find the one we wont think of doing it to. I married the woman I will never cheat on.


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