Herstory: Colours Of Life

Memories or thoughts shared....

It's common for people to describe me nicely as, "not like anyone else I know".... I have come to happily agree to being a 'freak', hard to describe, or just different.... Imperfection, I see it as something beautiful and honest.... I love what I have become, and have faith in how I will be....

You choose the colours of your life.... Dream. Explore. Discover.

Thursday, December 27, 2007


Here I am, here I am!! Finally here at last! The start of my dream to travel within Africa.

I organized this trip to Ghana before leaving home - to meet up (in London) with my friend from Australia and together we head to Kumasi for Christmas and New Year. I ended up going to USA for Thanksgiving etc, cutting short the trip by approximately 1 month. Then I spent Christmas in London (24-27Dec). Now I’m about to celebrate New Year’s in Kumasi.

  • Arrived at night, in 28’Celsius weather, in Accra
  • I likened the place to Asia – hot weather, polluted, dusty, rich and poor are mixed, friendly welcome, road rules are not followed, people ask for things, cost of living is expensive (comparable to overseas) especially for the locals. Differences are the roads are less developed here but the traffic seems less chaotic, not as many motorbikes and bicycles on the road.
  • Sellers balancing their wares on their heads
  • No skyscrapers (I was told the tallest building in Ghana overall may only be 30 floors)
  • People dancing carefree in a street where we drove by
  • Feeling happy after being told someone will take me to the local markets tomorrow morning (didn’t work out)
  • Home-cooked dinner, yum!
  • Drinking water!!
  • Worrying a little about not having malaria tablets, expecting it to be waiting for me when I arrive (flashbacks of my hospitalization in Asia, something I do not want to experience here), especially as I could feel mosquitoes biting me, a bite on my cheek is already swelling, and I’m going to be walking around the market tomorrow morning
  • Feeling better after confirmation I only have to worry about mossie bites at night (so hopefully there wont be any in the market), although tonight is still a concern (heheheh) and I really did not want to push my luck
  • I need malaria tablets, insect repellent, mossie air spray, simcard, and local currency!
  • Getting in touch with my friend from Australia to let her know I arrived safely and will be with her soon (after working out which bus I will catch, so she knows where to pick me up)
  • Showering without hot water, and enjoying it after getting over the initial cold shock
    I couldn’t see the stars, but I tried to sleep just before midnight listening to crickets and dogs barking/howling
  • Trying to get used to the feeling that something is biting me (I saw very little mosquitoes fly across my computer screen, it was likely to be them)
  • Sleeping feeling the soft blow of the wind, natural air keeping me cool
  • Waking up 4am to cocks crowing, night chirps, barks, and general activities outside the house at this time of the day
  • Now turning off my computer (5.30ish), so I can try to go back to sleep, and peacefully enjoy the moment, waking up 7am.

Thursday, December 06, 2007

What's in Door Number Two?

How can anyone match more than a decade of honeymoon? A love that for me was true and deep? A love and marriage/commitment promised forever by a man which I believed?

The fact that it could not hold a couple together (other irreconcilable differences got in the way) was a blowing disappointment, making the prospect of spending life with someone you love (and loves you back as intensely) "forever" seem bleak.

I am sure there are quality men out there still. I am optimistic. Whether my heart will leap for them is unpredictable. I was blessed with a wonderful partner whom set a very high standard. I mentioned in an earlier blog some of my considerations. I expect my next alpha male to have similar considerations.

Im not looking for a perfect man, there is no such thing. But I believe men around my age should be at a stage in his life, where he is improved from 5 years ago, and the 5 years before that. So those stuck in a time warp, or still have not made (or have not tried making) something of themselves loses alpha points. As we are long past our teen years, someone who is still unsure of what they want to do in life, or still have not done much in life (just let time pass him by)... is just not someone I can see myself getting (or staying) attracted to.

Being self-made, I am happy with the person I have become. I am proud of what I have achieved. It's natural for me to want to be with someone who feels the same self-pride, and has the same strength. Someone who can show me now the type of life and values to expect from him if we are to spend our life together, and how we can have fun positively affecting each other. I dont get attracted to "lost puppies", as I do not need the validation of how good a partner I am by being the reason a man has become a "man". Not because I dont want to put in the work. More because the outcome may still be a man not compatible to my needs.

First 10 Favourites In East Coast USA

  1. Seeing and spending time with my niece, nephew, siblings and dad

  2. Attending my dad's #0th birthday

  3. Seeing the stars at night again! (I couldnt see them in London!)

  4. Autumn - multicoloured leaves on trees and the ground; leaves crunching when stepped on; the wind blowing these leaves everywhere; morning frost; and the slight chill I can feel on my nose, eyes and cheeks when a cooler wind blows past.

  5. Watching my dad rake leaves coz "he's playing" (not letting me help)

  6. Confirming my realisation that I dont need to cry

  7. Home-cooked meals

  8. Reese's ice cream

  9. Snowflakes falling lightly on my face and melting softly from my warmth

  10. The prospect of feeling and finding love