Herstory: Colours Of Life

Memories or thoughts shared....

It's common for people to describe me nicely as, "not like anyone else I know".... I have come to happily agree to being a 'freak', hard to describe, or just different.... Imperfection, I see it as something beautiful and honest.... I love what I have become, and have faith in how I will be....

You choose the colours of your life.... Dream. Explore. Discover.

Sunday, January 28, 2007

Where Art Thou, McNaught??

To be or not to be???? It is a 'not to be', the search for the brightest comet in decades ending as one of my misadventures.

In vain I searched for 3 nights. I already mentioned how Thursday panned out. Friday I found a vast, open space and waited. But it was too cloudy. Forty-five minutes after sunset there was still no stars in the sky, the moon behind clouds. I went home very disappointed.

Saturday I looked at the cloudier sky and did not bother to go back to my viewing spot. Today, I decided to leave it alone. The sky is still cloudy. I will see only a speck and I'd have to find a more remote, darker expanse in the west, without a guarantee of success. Just an anti-climax.

"Oh well..."

Thursday, January 25, 2007

In Search of McNaught

A colleague arrived at work today visibly awestruck, mentioning a comet he 'accidentally' saw in the sky last night. My ears obviously perked up, I thought, "What's going on??! What??? What did I miss?? What Comet!!!??" .

Comet McNaught it is called. People started sharing the info that it has been in the papers for weeks now; how it's bigger and brighter than Haley's comet; how it has been visible since last week. And people where mentioning it nonchalantly... NONCHALANTLY!!! I wish I knew about it last week! The one week I decided to not pay attention to the sky at night! The week I decided to always be home before dark!!

A colleague told me exactly where to look for it tonight, based on where I live, at around 9.30pm. So tonight I set my alarm at 9.30pm, having had only 2 hours sleep last night and working very early this morning. I was anxiously hoping... wishing that I would see this comet... wishing once again I knew someone who could show me the wonders of the sky.

I don't even remember my head hitting the pillows... zzzzz... next thing I heard was my alarm. I pulled myself off the bed quickly, stepped out of home, and stargazed... not really knowing where to look, trying to orientate myself.

I couldn' t see it... :-(... I saw a hint of it, something vaguely wispy, about 3 handspans to the left of the moon. I think it was it.... The sky was beautifully clear, but I wasnt seeing anything "awestrucking". I was so disappointed I felt myself choking back sadness, desperately trying to see it.

I trudged back indoors several minutes later, straight to the one thing I knew may be able to help me see it - the computer connected to the web - and the picture's were beautiful!!!! I woke up too late!! I should have been looking for it at sunset 8.30ish tonight!!!

What a stunning once in a lifetime sight to behold!!! I have to see it!! I want to see it before it starts to set out of view!!! Head-tails-and-all!!!!

So tomorrow, Friday, the sun sets at 8:38pm. I'll be standing outside home looking for it, unless I can get myself to a vantage location for a better view. For those who are wishing to still see the McNaught wonder, apparently the best time to see it is just before sunset, in the southwestern sky. But others say the best viewing time is about 20 minutes after sunset.

I'd love to see it for many nights.... I hope it's still visible tomorrow night.... I'd cherish tomorrow night if it were the only night I can enjoy its beauty.

Saturday, January 20, 2007

Life in a Saturday Morning

Slept early morning... woke up early morning... looking forward to a day at the beach... sand on my feet (in my nose, my ears, my mouth, loving it all)... basking in the sun while reading a book... squealing in delight especially when high tide comes in as I jump in the water... trying to go as far as some surfers on their boards go (or close to them without being in their way, in case I start drowning, so they can hopefully save me :-P)... letting the waves crash over me, riding it, swimming under it... pulling my bathers back on properly... cheesiest grins on my face.... laughing along with my friend/s... just having a relaxed good time.

Today was meant to be another one of those days.... Darn it, it rained! The weather forecast changed and there's light rain where we were going. I DONT MIND!! It wasnt meant to be.

Got off the bed... stepped out.... oooh, the rain felt nice... refreshing... really nice... so I stayed out. A thought came to mind, "water restriction".... Pulled my potted plants to the middle of our driveway... turned up empty pots to catch more rainwater ... walked back inside the house... grabbed indoor plants and a sponge... stepped back out.

Sponge in hand, wearing a summer nightie (decent looking, not the slinky kind), indoor plants on the ground, cat in tow, rain slowly soaking my clothes and my cat's fur, I started sponging the windscreen and side mirrors of the car (it's been more than 6 months since its last wash, it couldnt get any worse).

Not a care... slowly getting wet in the rain... seeing my reflection on the glass... smiling at how my hair looks but not bothering to fix it... fascinated my kittycat is close by in the rain with me... the rain falling the only sound I was hearing... neighbours either asleep or keeping dry... peace.... It was so quiet... oh so still....

Enjoying the moment, delighted by the rain - of course not by the carwashing(!), but the action as good a reason as any to be standing in the rain.... I continued rainwashing the car slowly, not stopping with the glass area as intended. Soon, I ran out of areas to clean... I stood still, head tilted up... to prolong the experience... until I decided it was enough... I went back inside the house... wet cat still in tow... gave kitty kisses and hugs... doors and windows opened to let in some cool breeze... changed into dry clothes... ate breakfast....

... a slow, relaxed, cool day indoors....

Sunday, January 14, 2007

Man files lawsuit to take wife's name

By GREG RISLING, Associated Press WriterFri Jan 12, 5:52 PM ET

Mike Buday isn't married to his last name. In fact, he and his fiancee decided before they wed that he would take hers. But Buday was stunned to learn that he couldn't simply become Mike Bijon when they married in 2005.

As in most other states, that would require some bureaucratic paperwork well beyond what a woman must go through to change her name when marrying.

Instead of completing the expensive, time-consuming process, Buday and his wife, Diana Bijon, enlisted the American Civil Liberties Union and filed a discrimination lawsuit against the state of California. They claim the difficulty faced by a husband seeking to change his name violates the equal protection clause of the 14th Amendment.

"Diana and I feel strongly about gender equality for both men and women," Buday said. "I think the most important thing in all of this is to bring it to a new level of awareness."

Mark Rosenbaum, legal director of the ACLU in Southern California, said it is the first federal lawsuit of its kind in the country. "It's the perfect marriage application for the 17th century," Rosenbaum said. "It belongs in the same trash can as dowries."

Only six states — Georgia, Hawaii, Iowa, Massachusetts, New York and North Dakota — have statutes establishing equal name-change processes for men and women when they marry. In California and other states, men cannot choose a different last name while filing a marriage license.

In California, a man who wants to take his wife's name must file a petition, pay more than $300, place a public notice for weeks in a local newspaper and then appear before a judge.
Because of Buday's case, a California state lawmaker has introduced a bill to put a space on the marriage license for either spouse to change names.

The Census Bureau does not keep figures on how many U.S. men are taking their brides' names. But clearly it happening more and more. Milwaukee County, Wis., Clerk Mark Ryan estimated that one in every 100 grooms there now takes the name of his wife.

Bijon, 28, approached Buday about the idea when they were dating. She had no brothers but wanted to prolong the family name. Buday, a 29-year-old developer of interactive advertising, was estranged from his own father and was not attached to his own last name.

"I knew immediately it was pretty important to her or else she wouldn't have brought it up," Buday said.

At one point, the couple tried the Department of Motor Vehicles to get a name change. But Buday said he was told by a woman behind the counter: "Men just don't do that type of thing."

Couples who want to hyphenate or combine their names also must endure the lengthy court procedures in California. One of the more notable examples was Los Angeles Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa, who went to court to fuse his last name, Villar, with his wife's, Raigosa, when they married in 1987.

Laws giving women an easy choice of names were largely a byproduct of the feminist movement. A 2004 Harvard University study found that the number of college-educated women who kept their surnames upon marriage rose from about 3 percent in 1975 to nearly 20 percent in 2001.

Mike Buday, right, and his wife Diana Bijon pose for a photograph Thursday, Jan. 11, 2007, in El Segundo, Calif. They claim the difficulty faced by a husband seeking to change his name is a violation of the equal protection guaranteed under the 14th Amendment. (AP Photo/Ric Francis)



Similar to Diana's views, even before I started dating, I knew I would ask my husband to carry my surname too. Both of us carrying the same "hyphenated" or "fused" surnames. Or, we both agree on a different surname. Simply explained, I say, "it's a merger, not a takeover" :-).

Before I married Harold, I thought I would rather not be married if he couldn't understand how important it is to me. Officiating marriage is not that important to me. I value the actual relationship and promise of commitment to each other more, not the "one-day celebration", the right approach to just enjoy our relationship without matrimony. Nowadays, after approximately 2 years of living together, "man-woman" de facto relationship has the same rights as married couples anyway. Everything else can be covered with a living will. But as you know I recently happily married Harold. It means I am sure he is the one I want to grow old with and love for the rest of my life. He says daily this is exactly what he wanted from me too, so everyone's happy! :-) We say I love you more than 5 times a day to each other without force. As well as start every morning enjoying each other's company in bed for at least 5 minutes - hugs, kisses, touches, loving words, helping the other wake up, etc. Bliss! :-) Now we not only celebrate our monthly anniversary but also our wedding date! Yey! Yes, we've been celebrating our anniversary monthly too. It started on our second month together. He proposed to me in the second month of our relationship (really in the first month and 2 days, hehehe). We were young and passionately wanted to remember every important events in our lives. There were so many dates to celebrate and it felt wrong to only appreciate them once a year if we remember. It's like how people save their best plates for special occasions. I prefer to eat and serve using the best plates now and treat each day as a celebration. I am a firm believer or enjoying moments as they come, appreciating life and love now. So I suggested this, to combine all celebrations of our love for each other in one day, and appreciate it every month. I think it was the best idea. We celebrated it more than the yearly anniversary, gave us a special time every month to let each other know (more than usual) how we felt for each other. It helped to keep us in our honeymoon stage, hardly noticing that more than a decade has passed :-)....

But getting back on the topic, actually, I would have preferred to change and carry my mother's surname, while single. But it wasn't as important an issue to me, and I'm still a little traditionalist so I stuck with what I had. Hence the reason if our children wants to carry only one surname, I would encourage them to carry their father's.

I have broached this topic of "automatically taking the husband's name after marriage" with a lot of people, I noticed (men and women in) some cultures are less accepting, even offended. Others have thought about it and decided on surnames they are using now.

A conversation with a male colleague always comes back to mind, probably coz he was similar to Mike, open to less traditional thinking. I think it helped that he grew up with very open-minded parents. That's why I like bringing issues like this up, coz some people don't even consider to think of it as an option.

Friday, January 12, 2007

How Does This Work??

Here I am, awake too early on a Saturday morning, bored... or maybe lonely... so I went for the first thing that seem to eat my time so fast I dont know what hit me - the computer. It's my link to my hubby and it's my distraction from missing him when I am not busy making myself busy so as not to miss him. Now I'm listening to Chet Baker and Bernard Fanning, while learning how to blog from my email. If you see this, it means it worked. Yey, blogging wouldn't be such an ardous task!! ;-P